Sunday, 5 May 2013

Kitchen Table Kludge

When I moved into my flat  I was offered a free table "yes please" said I thinking that I could really use some furniture.  Trouble is it was a round table, round tables are near useless in small spaces as they cannot be pushed up against a wall. Well there was an easy way to solve that...
Semi Table!

I cut the square ring beam that attaches the legs in half, ditched one of the leaves and screwed it all together. As you can tell working on the floor (no vice, no table, no chairs at that stage) and admittedly rushing does not necessarily lead to great results (most obvious of wich is probably the angle of the front most leg) But it's stable and strong and gives me extra kitchen work area without getting in the way too much. What more could you ask for really.

Long Time No Post


I know it's been a goodly while since my last posts here but hopefully I can make up for that with a glut of post that should soon be on there way...